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CPE CREDIT for CPAs available for all States
Prerequisite — Completion of FAI’s Seminar for Non-Financial Professionals or a position at the utility in the finance, accounting or the rates area or an educational background including at least three classes in accounting. 22 CPE Credits for CPAs.
Rate of Return Regulation
– Basics of Ratemaking
– Determination of Rate Base
– Revenue Requirement Issues
Modifications to Rate of Return Regulation
– Adjustment Clauses, Trackers, Riders, Deferrals
– Rate Freezes, Decoupling
– Preapprovals
– Formula Ratemaking
Energy and Gas Adjustment Clauses
GAAP For Utilities
– Why and How GAAP Differs
– Plant Write-Offs
– Regulatory Assets and When to Remove Them
Capitalization Versus Expense
– GAAP, Tax, Ratemaking and Managerial Accounting
– Influences and Motivations
– Problems in Recovery of Plant Costs
– Retirement Units of Property
Plant Issues
– Accounting for Plant Retirement
– Risks of Reserve Deficiency
– Asset Retirement Obligations
– Mass Property Accounting
Accounting for Income Taxes
– Permanent Differences
– Temporary Differences
A Problem of Definition
– Statement of Cash Flows
– Different Definitions for New Income, Op Inc and Cash Flow
– AFUDC versus Interest Capitalization
Golden Nugget
129 East Fremont Street
Las Vegas NV 89101
We have reserved a block of rooms at the hotels where the seminars will be held. Book early. The block of rooms well be held open until a month before the seminar. This is an AAA four diamond hotel but we negotiated a low weekday rate. To get the group rate click on the link below or call (800) 331-5731 and give them the Group Code GSFA252. You will probably want to make a reservation arriving the day before the seminar.
For our Oct 15-17 Seminar — Room nights Oct 14-17
Click link: Golden Nugget Oct 15-17 or call and give them this Group Code GSFA252
If you are staying at the Golden Nugget hotel, the newer tower is the Rush Tower. In any case, when you check in you should ask for a room away from Fremont Street (which can be noisy at night.)
We will have a Continental Breakfast each morning and Lunch will be provided and we hope you can join us for cocktails after class the first day.
Class begins at 8 AM ends at 4 PM (except last day we end at 3).
Dress is casual but you could bring a sweater or jacket as the temperature in the meeting room may vary.
For a list of organizations who have sent people to our classes, look at our previous participant list.