• Utility Finance & Accounting Seminars

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    See what customers say about our seminars:

Southern California Edison - All Testimonials

Tim Bint - Attended in 1998

"Joel was able to take complicated subject & break it into meaningful & effective examples which I can take back & immediately apply to my responsibilities. Especially useful as a newcomer in a regulated industry."

Mike Karayan - Attended in 1996

"I needed this class ten years ago. I now have a better understandingof the impart of distribution accounting in the corporation books."

Craig Champion - Attended in 1996

"I was very pleased with the content and presentation, especially, since my complete background is in field operations and not accounting. The course kept my interest, it was presented in a manner I could comprehend and I was able to learn"

Dennis Cole - Attended in 1996

"Given better insight to corporate business decisions and various drivers. The instructor was excellent! Not too complex overall but a lot in three days."

Dennis Frazee - Attended in 2005

"The emphasis & explanation of cost recovery (ratemaking) effect on accounting & financial reporting. Complex subjects were addressed and presented in an understandable manner."

Oscar Castro - Attended in 2005

"Presenter is highly knowledgeable & qualified & NOT boring. Materials are 100% apropos to attendees. Excellent topical areas. Presentation was smooth, fluid & really understandable."