Debbie Oney - Attended in 1992
"It is very helpful to understand how business decisions are made using accounting numbers provided to them. It helped me understand the implications."
Current Dates - Find out this year's cities.
See what customers say about our seminars:"It is very helpful to understand how business decisions are made using accounting numbers provided to them. It helped me understand the implications."
"I came looking for an overview specifically dealing with rate setting. Realizing this is a simplified example, I found it revealing and interesting."
"Learned much more about Salt River Project & its position in financial community."
"Made a very dry subject interesting & understandable for me."
"Best workshop I've ever taken while at Salt River Project."
"The instructor was very good and I actually feel that I learned how to read & understand our annual report."
"The material relates to Salt River Project - Well presented. You kept the material interesting and understandable. I enjoyed it."
"The course was fast moving - no one topic was discussed an excessive amount of time - actual situation for utility were described- actual Salt River Project info was used."
"Overall mastery of material by instructor - Compelling personal presentation by instructor - Material directly related to issues, practice problem of utility company."
"Instructor has a sense of humor,wants to teach/help. He is knowledgeable, experienced and prepared in the field."