Chad Guzman - Attended in 2013
"Interactive, critical thinking exercises."
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"Connectivity. Always drawing how individual topics discussed are associated to the ultimate good of revenue requiremnt. Folding industry knowledge(real world examples) into discussions. Great instruction."
"Coverage of unique accounting methods for utilities and concrete story examples to make them have real context."
"Strong points: Identifying different types of accounting. Illustrating differences & strategies behind different practices was extremely helpful. I'm going to take some of the things I learned back to share with others immediately."
"The course covers a tremendous amount of material and is kept very interesting."
"Great teacher. Joel Berk made not-so-intersting subject matter interesting and gave me significant insight into how my company operates."
"The instructor was very understanding and excellent in his presentation. An impeccable workshop."
"Overall, this class provides quality utility accounting information which is beneficial for those who do not work solely in this industry but need to be as informed as those in the industry."
"Joel has an in depth knowledge of the utility industry. Set forth excellent relationships of theory, simple examples to illustrate concepts & actual application from utility financial statements and rate orders."
"The presentation was crisp, clean & lively. The homework, pre-course work and projects were very helpful. Overall organization & pace were well-thought-out and effective."