• Utility Finance & Accounting Seminars

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Jeffrey Gero - Attended in 1997

"The workshop provided a solid overview from a big picture perspective with a variety of examples and exercises on each of its components."

Scott Clifford - Attended in 2003

"Joel Berk Applied a wide range of industry knowledge & trends in explaining concepts of ratemaking. Very practical in relation to real business issues faced by today's utilities."

Suresh Iyer - Attended in 1991

"Good layout of course material, precourse material, problems & homework. I got a good understanding of basic ratemaking issues."

Martin A. Betancourt - Attended in 1994

"Very timely information concerning competition issues. Also, by tailoring the course to NEP, the information became more meaningful and applicable. Teamwork made it more pertinent."

Avolon Joseph - Attended in 1994

"Instructor was very knowledgeable & sincerely interested in audience as evidenced by (his) knowledge of rate cases particular to companies represented in the class."