• Utility Finance & Accounting Seminars

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John A. Anderson - Attended in 1994

"Joel did a tremendous job in communicating very complex material. He kept the sessions interesting through cases and projects, and real examples. Dynamic presentation of otherwise "dry" material. Great job!"

Teena Lane - Attended in 1994

"I obtained a clear understanding of the regulated aspects of my industry. Inclusion of real life examples brought clarity. Excellent."

Anthony H. DeFuria - Attended in 1994

"I definitely learned a great deal about what sort of things do and do not go into ratemaking, and how utilities, under current regulated structure with ratemaking, have difficult decisions to make regarding spending."

Melvin Zwillenberg - Attended in 1994

"Instructor maintained interest and made concepts understandable. Projects and hands-on problems made it much easier to learn by doing rather than by talking."

Judith Organas - Attended in 1994

"Joel was sensitive to the abilities and strengths of the entire group and uses examples that we can all identify with (other utilities as well)"