Robert E. Gylling , II - Attended in 2007
"Excellent instruction for a difficult subject."
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See what customers say about our seminars:Custom post type for testimonials(quote)
"Excellent instruction for a difficult subject."
"Material was presented clearly but in an entertining way. "Plain English" explanations."
"Boring subject but kept my attention. Interesting info. Very applicable to job."
"This course was the most beneficial CPE I have taken in a long time. Very pertinent to what I do and presented in a way that was clear & easy to understand. Instructor did a good job of keeping our attention with humor, etc."
"Outstanding use of our company's data. Good examples & down to earth explanations of financial principals."
"Presentation was informative and instructor kept topics to the point, but with practical & relevant examples."
"Instructor knew the matierals & is excellent at sharing this knowledge."
"Very good & thorough initial exposure to fundamentals of utility accounting. Good networking opportunities."
"I have a much better understanding of rate making. Emphasis on shareholder value helped me understand the other factors needed to consider when evaluating projects."