Vidur Bhalla - Attended in 2018
"Joel's ability to keep otherwise dry topics very intriguing and digestible."
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See what customers say about our seminars:"Joel's ability to keep otherwise dry topics very intriguing and digestible."
"Overview of how the industry works. I think this is one of the better classes I've taken."
"Dr. Berk is sensational storyteller and is able to relate to a variety of audiences while deepening the class' knowledge of topics that can be difficult to spice up."
"Your knowledge of the industry, the mechanics of utility accounting & finance and your stories."
"Real NG examples. Walking through examples. Up to date treatment of tax reform. Humor."
"I'm glad I came. Will recommend this program to new employees."
"Strong point: Calculation of cost of service. Break out sessions."
"Having taken an advanced MBA finance course in Cost of Capital, I know how boring the information can be. Dr. Berk was excellent!"
"I feel Professor Berk touched base on many topics in the short space of time. The notes were self-explanatory and clear, and Prof. Berk went out of his way to show how each subject affects our daily lives. Excellent!"
"Excellent. I have heard very favorable comments about this course and concur with all of them."