Brien Starner - Attended in 1997
"Addressed in layperson's terms."
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See what customers say about our seminars:Custom post type for testimonials(quote)
"Excellent review and done in a way to keep my attention. Good mix of math & HUMOR!"
"Enthusiastic, knowledgeable teacher. Helped all people regardless of level of accounting education experience."
"Excellent, well-balanced seminar. Professor Berk is very clear, and very articulate. Use of concrete examples involving companies represented was impressive and helpful, brining the theory into practice."
"Strong point:Stories relating what we were learning to what's currently happening in real utilities."
"Strong points: Discussion of rate base and its related effect of CWIP & AFUDC on rate and financial statements."
"Course focused on accounting issues relevant to utility companies of people attending the course. Made subject matter "real" to everyone."
"Professionally presented - well done on methods of presentation. Keep using actual examples."
"Class provides a stimulating & thought provoking analysis of utility finance. Best of all its presentation is entertaining."