Brian Hiyane - Attended in 2017
"As a lawyer, I was deathly afraid of the workpapers & spreadsheets in our rate cases. Dr. Berk explained the numbers & concepts in an easy-to-understand manner."
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See what customers say about our seminars:Custom post type for testimonials(quote)
"As a lawyer, I was deathly afraid of the workpapers & spreadsheets in our rate cases. Dr. Berk explained the numbers & concepts in an easy-to-understand manner."
"Great method of explaining complex accounting & rate making concepts in lay-terms."
"Humor, stories & projects. Having us break into groups & think through issues really reinforces the material. Humor & stories break up the more difficult material to keep us engaged."
"Joel was engaging & effective. His understanding of extant issues - with specific companies was amazing. I loved that he took time to answer specific concerns & questions."
"Great illustrations that brought reality to the concepts."
"Group activities helped to talk through situations & hear everyone else's thoughts. (Joel's) knowledge of all the companies in attendance was excellent and made it interesting."
"I liked the ability to ask questions to clarify issues that I was a bit cloudy on."
"Outstanding presentation. Easy to follow, even for an accounting illiterate such as myself. Any other accounting seminar and I would have been asleep in minutes. I also rather enjoyed the jokes."
"It provides a good basic overview of rate-making and accounting principles. Professor Berk made the material interesting and informative."